It has been a while since this site has been updated. Not surprisingly, the break began directly after I went back to work.
The tranistion has been less than smooth, and I apologize to anyone who has felt less than wholy supported. Please know you and your children are never far from my mind.
Without further ado... sit with these gorgeous girls for a moment.
Jenna Belle - born May 5th ~ died May 18th, 2009
Grace Isabelle - died July 31st ~ born August 1st, 2009
If you are the parent of an Angel Wall baby and would like to connect with another parent, please email me.
Until the next update... we share our grief, we share our hopes, we will never stop loving.
such beatiful girls. Madickan, what a unique and special name, for a special little angel.
Jenna Belle - through knowing your mother you have captured my heart. You are always remembered sweet girl.
Grace Isabelle, such a beautiful girl. Gone from her parents too quickly.
Thinking of all the mommas and daddys of these sweet little ones.
Little angels up above sending you and your families some extra love.
Thank you, Cara. It thrills my heart to see my baby girl remembered by someone else. Thank you so much.
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